"To Mr & Mrs Grayling,
Let's hook up soon?
Barbless Flies"
The Ultimate Winter Grayling Selection
As the trout season now starts to close around the country, we all look forward to targeting 'the Lady of the Stream' - the Grayling. To get you started this year we have curated a unique selection of 27 Winter Grayling Nymphs from our friends the Grayling fishing world - we asked them if they could choose only 1 nymph for Grayling, what would it be, we then collated them all together in this Ultimate Selection
I hope you will agree that these are very special flies. Plus, these are all new patterns this year.
These nymphs are specifically chosen to give you the widest possible choice, no matter which river conditions you face (big and heavy for the fast flows, small and light(ish) for the low flows). These flies will work in any conditions and any style of fishing.
This selection contains 27 of our most successful grayling flies.
Here we present our Ultimate Winter Grayling Selection:
Pattern 1: Grayling Bomb - 3 each of size 10
Pattern 2: Duracell Jig - 2 each of sizes 16 & 18
Pattern 3: Utah Killer Bug - 2 each of sizes 16 & 18
Pattern 4: The Rock Chick (dry) - 2 each of sizes 14 & 16
Pattern 5: Pink Perdigon Jig - 3 each of size 14
Pattern 6: Pink Perdigon - 3 each of size 18
Pattern 7: Czech Weapon - 2 each of sizes 14 & 16
Pattern 8: Tri-Bead Bomber - 2 each of size 12
All presented to you in one of our slimline silicone nymph boxes.
We currently have these fly selections in stock and will ship these to you as soon as we receive notification of your payment, generally, if a payment is made in the morning your flies will be with you the very next day.