The first in a series of collectable books on the various aspects of fly fishing. Each book takes a 'deep dive' into a niche aspect of fly fishing.
This 1st book in the series, by FlyFishMedia, contains a detailed analysis of how to approach fly fishing rivers in the early season (March & April).
Book Details:
Number of Pages - 78
Format - A6 (10.5cm x 14.8cm)
In this book, you will discover how to identify the species of insects which are commonly found in UK rivers between March and mid-May. How to then imitate them with the most common fly patterns.
This book also discusses the type of conditions you can expect to face and the various tips, tricks and techniques used the fish them.
This book also includes leader configurations that use multi-fly rigs to get the best from the early season conditions.
Please Note: This is a physical book, printed in English.