
Barbless Flies

Match The Hatch

Gnats, Midges & Aphids

All the information you need to help get the most from your Gnats & Midges 'Match The Hatch' selection of flies.

Gnat, Midge & Aphid are all generic terms for a whole host of small terrestrial flies (the definition of an Aphid is a parasitic insect which feeds on plat sap). We will consider them all as a whole and pick out individual species where appropriate.


Gnats & Midges -  are members of the Bibionidae family and there are around 20 different species found throughout the UK, the most popular one is Bibio Johannis (header image  above - a very small flat-winged fly). These are flies known as 'terrestrials' - i.e. flies that do not originate from the water but do end up on it as food for trout.

Aphids - There are around 4,000 different species of Aphid found throughout the UK. These are flies are also known as 'terrestrials'. Higher temperatures in the summer months promote plant growth, which in turn creates lots of aphid activity on the leaves - these regularly fall (and get blown) onto the water and the trout love them! They are usually found in large clusters on soft plant tissues, such as new shoots and the undersides of leaves. Aphids are quite small and range in length from 1mm to 5mm. They are usually either green or black.

Gnat & Midge - Lifecycle

The Black Gnat has a very short life cycle, hatching and being in flight for only a few days. They start life larva in the soil, this can be for up to 6 months.

During autumn and winter, the larvae feed on rotting vegetation. In springtime, the males emerge first followed by the females a few days later. After mating, females lay their eggs in the soil and die soon afterwards and the cycle continues.

From a fly fishing perspective the only stage we try to imitate is the Adult.

The lifecycle of an Aphid is slightly different to that of the Gnat & Midge ...

Aphid - Lifecycle

The Aphid has a fairly long lifecycle, they usually spend the winter as eggs on host plants or as adults, in sheltered spots. In spring and early summer, adult females give birth to live young without mating. The young are all female, so numbers build up really quickly. Their lifecycle is a little odd, all aphids are born as asexual females  - see image - kindly supplied with thanks from McLauchlan Gormley King Company.

From a fly fishing perspective the only stage we try to imitate is the Adult.

The forgotten Midges - Dance Flies

One of the most overlooked of the 'Black Gnats' is the Dance Fly (Hybotidae), these are always found on running water and are often mistaken for midges:

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Dance flies are terrestrials that predate on insects trapped in & emerging from the river surface. Occasionally one makes a mistake and is trapped in the surface film itself. Small trout will sometimes jump to catch one in the air. The males catch Aphids and other small flies to give to the females as a prenuptial present. Again, these flies swarm over sunny spots in the river:

Dance Flies over water.jpeg__PID:3113e641-8afe-40b4-b52a-35e81c4965e5

It is always worth fishing a small black dry fly under any of these swarms, as the male flies fight each other for the privilege of mating with the females and are often knocked into the river - where the fish eagerly hoover them up.

Match The Hatch - Gnat, Midge & Aphid Imitations

The most popular imitations for Gnats, Midges & Aphids are any of the flies below (all contained within your 'Match The Hatch' selection), don't worry if you don't have these exact patterns, as anything which is in the general colour, profile and size will do.

These flies should be fished as you would any other dry fly, the Blue-Winged Olive Upright being especially buoyant. These dry flies should be used as soon as you start to see fish sipping flies from the surface film, generally you will not be able to see the fly they are taking - if so, it will be a Gnat, Midge or Aphid.

The Black Gnat can be used as a suggestive pattern for a number of different insects, it can imitate a Midge or Aphid. Once the Black Gnats start to appear on your local river, make sure you have these in your fly box these are also great flies to try when searching the margins of stillwaters & reservoirs.

The Aphid can be used as a suggestive pattern for a number of terrestrial insects, it can also imitate a Midge. Once you start to see Aphids appear on plants around the riverbank on your local water, make sure you have these in your fly box these are also great flies to try when searching the margins of stillwaters & reservoirs.

TOP TIP: Try fishing these flies in the surface film, do not apply any floatant on them. They are all really small, so will not break the meniscus easily.

709018 Buzzer Black White 2 - Named.png__PID:959e4147-6b5f-4f71-9ab2-1a27dfe5f0ac

Black & White Midge Pupa

A small version of this popular black buzzer. These have been tied on quality Ahrex hooks and have a thin body - they are best fished in the morning when there is no surface activity.

This fly is only supplied in size 18.

Hook: Ahrex FW501 Size 18

RS2 Black Midge

A fly put together by Niklas Dahlin. Designed with inspiration from a fly one of his friends created, the `Hair dresser´s midge`. Tied to mimic the emerging midge with a slim body and white poly-yarn wing.

This fly is only supplied in size 18.

Hook: Ahrex FW503 Size 18
Wing: White Poly-yarn
Thorax: Black natural

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CdC Midge (Detached Body)

A fly put together by Niklas Dahlin. Designed with inspiration from a fly one of his friends created, the `Hair dresser´s midge`. Tied to mimic the emerged midge with an extended body of twisted black Z-Lon, CdC wing and a thorax of natural spiky squirrel dubbing.

This fly is only supplied in size 18.

Hook: Ahrex FW525 Size 18
Extended Body: Z-Lon Black (Twisted)
Wing: CdC Natural Dark
Thorax: Squirrel mix natural grey

Black Gnat

A classic version of this popular black gnat/midge fly. These have been tied with upright wings, which makes it ultra-realistic and helps it sit just right on the water.

This fly is only available in size 18.

Hook: Ahrex FW503 Size 18
Hackle: Cock Saddle - Dark Grey
Rib: Tying Thread
Thorax: Peacock Dubbing Mix
Thread: UNI 8/0 Black

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Gnat, Midge & Aphid - Hatch Notes

When fishing with Aphid imitations here are a few tips:During the warmer summer weather with low flows and even lower rivers, most of the fish during the day will head for cover. This will usually be in deep pockets, undercut banks and under their favourite overhanging trees/bushes. When the fish are hanging out under trees and bushes they are in the perfect spot for opportunistic meals of Aphids which fall from the bankside vegetation.

When fishing with aphids, these are very small flies, tied on very small hooks, so you will need to use thin tippets - generally a 7X or 8X tippet will thread through even the smallest of hook eyes.On our local river, you will also often see fish feeding on Aphids from the underside of fallen leaves floating down the river.

TOP TIP: When trying to thread your tippet to a really small fly, try cutting the tippet at a 45-degree angle, it makes it a little easier to get the tippet into the eye of the hook.

If you would like to buy any other Gnat, Midge ot Aphid imitations for your fishing forrays, we do hope that you will consider us and see what other patterns we have to offer.