The 'little devils' of the Stillwater Scene

Diawl Bachs & Crunchers

May is one of the prime months for fishing stillwaters and often the best tactic to use is the imitative approach - that's why both Diawl Bachs and Crunchers are some of the most popular flies to try at this time of year, and we've finally got two of our most popular Stillwater selections back in stock again.

 Both our Diawl Bach & Cruncher Selections are tied on size 12 and 16 barbless hooks with slender bodies. These are favourites on the stillwaters, fished as part of a team of flies drawn slowly on a floating line with a long leader. A very effective method to fish these is to let the wind push the fly line around and look for a twitch in the line as an indication that a fish has taken the fly. They can also be very effective during a midge (chironomid) hatch, and the holo versions are worth using to imitate pin fry.

We've also included a really nice piece on how to effectively fish Diawl Bachs and Crunchers towards the end of this email - we've also added a Stillwater Hatch Card for May - aren't we good to you!

Now to the offer:

Buy 2 of either the Diawl Bach Selection or Cruncher Selection (1 of each or 2 of either), and these will automatically be given a 20% discount in your cart (no discount codes required), offer open until midnight tomorrow (20th May) - That brings the price for each of these down to only £14.40 for 16 flies

Diawl Bachs - Here we have a selection of 16 diawl bach's four different patterns in two different sizes (12 & 16). These are a favourite on the stillwaters, fished as one of a team of three flies drawn slowly on a dry line with a long leader.

Crunchers - A generic all-around pattern for use with Stillwater trout. This fly can represent olive nymphs or Corixa and can be used at any position on your leader (both as a dropper or the point fly). Can also be deadly fished under/behind a blob or bob pattern. Use the holographic versions for rainbows, the darker colours have also proved good brown trout catchers.

Remember, all you have to do is buy 2 of either the Diawl Bach Selection or Cruncher Selection (1 of each or 2 of either), and these will automatically be given a 20% discount in your cart (no discount codes are required), this offer is open until midnight on tomorrow (Friday 20th May).

Go on, you know you want to!

How To Fish Diawl Bachs & Crunchers

Diawl Bachs (welsh for 'little devil') and Crunchers are very similar styles of fly patterns and are fished in exactly the same way. They imitate a host of underwater nymphs/pupa but are most commonly used as buzzer imitations.

Where To Fish Them?

his style of slim, imitative fly is most successful in the late Spring when fished in the top third of the water column (usually only a couple of feet below the surface). These flies can be fished on a variety of methods:

  1. Part of a team of nymphs - straight line nymphing is a great technique to use on stillwaters
  2. The Washing Line technique - close to the surface
  3. Behind a lure on a deep sinking line - the fish are attracted by the lure on the top dropper but offering them a more natural imitation close by usually takes the fish.

How To Fish Them?

Just like you would a buzzer:

When it's Still - Use a floating line, long leader and a team of three. Cast out, and before the flies start to sink, pull the line to straighten out the leader. Then pause (keeping in touch with the flies) and wait for the flies to drop, takes usually come with the flies on the drop. You should spot a take before you feel it, keep an eye on the fly line and leader for any abnormal movement. If the flies hit the bottom, just a few pulls on the fly line should bring them back to the surface, and you can start again by letting them sink.

When it's Windy - Still use a floating line, but this time use a shorted leader. Check the direction of the wind and cast out across the wind (i.e. the wind is side-on to you) - always make sure the wind is to your left shoulder if you are right-handed (and the right shoulder if you are left-handed). Again, using a team of three, cast out and allow the flies to drift with the wind. You should not need to retrieve your line, just keep in touch with it, as the wind will make sure your leader straightens up. Again, you will usually see the take before you feel it - just remember to strike in the opposite direction to the direction your flies are moving. Once the flies have drifted as far as you think possible, lift the flies slowly from the water, it's surprising how many fish take your nymphs as you're about to re-cast!.

Here's a quick reminder of what you should expect to find hatching this month on your Stillwater:

Tight lines & have fun
