Small Steps ...

Fly fishing on a motorbike, got to be easy, right?

Well that's what I intend to find out ...

Over the next year I will be trying to complete as many fishing trips as possible on my motorbike (for you bike buffs out there it's a Kawasaki KLX 250). I'm hoping that this will teach me to travel light and really think about my fishing before I set foot on the bank, so I only take what I think I will need.

So. Here's the bike (all loaded up for the first trip):

And here's whats in the tail pack:

All the gear.

I eventually decided on packing:

  • Waders
  • Boots
  • Small chest pack (looking back, a lanyard would have been better)
  • Travel rod (Scott 8’4” 4 weight – 5 piece)
  • Camera
  • Phone
  • Money for coffee!

You will notice that there was no room for a net! The river I fished was full of small grayling, so I thought I would dispense with the net for this trip, as it was a bit large and didn't fit in the tail pack. I do need to find a collapsible scoop net - If you know where to get one, please let me know.

You can read all about my first trip (and it was fairly eventful) in Issue 491 of Trout Fisherman magazine. Once it's been published (and I have asked permission!), I will put a copy of the article up here.

I'm planning lots more trips throughout 2017, so if you have any ideas of where I can go (and if you need a fishing buddy) get in touch.

Tight Lines



