Reel Recovery - Be Well & Fish On

Fly Fishing - Food For The Soul

We all know that fly fishing has long been recognized as a therapeutic activity - often, that's the exact reason we all head out to the water.

It's an open secret that angling offers numerous benefits for individuals (that's why you can now get it prescribed by the NHS) - whether recuperating from physical ailments or struggling with mental health challenges, the serene environment we usually find ourselves in and the rhythmic casting motions provide a real sense of well-being.

I had a phone call from a long-term customer of ours - Michael - asking if we could help with an organisation he's been involved with for some time - it was related to fly fishing and once we heard all about it we gladly agreed.

It's called ... Reel Recovery ...


Michael was first introduced to the great work Reel Recovery does when working for Orvis over in the USA - Orvis are one of their major sponsors. 

Reel Recovery is a non-profit organisation which was formed by our fly angling cousins across the pond in 2003, it aims to help men through the cancer recovery process by introducing them to the healing powers of fly fishing while also providing a safe, supportive environment to explore their personal experiences of cancer with others who share their stories and experiences.

It's also important to note that Reel Recovery aims its services at non-anglers by hosting free weekend retreats which are centred around fly fishing - us anglers are already feeding the soul on a regular basis and know the benefits fly fishing brings.

Michael is spearheading the introduction of Reel Recovery to the UK, they will be holding their first-ever free retreat in Northumberland (at Redewater Lakeside Lodges) over a weekend in September later this year.

"Reel Recovery is an international non-profit organisation that conducts free fly-fishing retreats for men living with all forms of cancer." 

Fishing can heal the mind, talking and sharing can heal the pain" - Retreat participants

As Reel Recovery is very new to the UK, I'm hoping, with the aid of this email, to help Michael by raising awareness of Reel Recovery and the associated healing powers of angling, in all its forms. 

I'm sure that each of us at some point in our life has been in contact with cancer to some extent - I know I have, my grandfather, who was instrumental in teaching me to fish, was taken very early by this cruel disease, so I'm more than happy to help where I can.

If you're reading this and asking yourself - "How can I find out more?" or  even better "How can I help?", then all we would like you to do is one (or all) of the following:

  1. Take a look at the Reel Recovery website, by clicking on any button or image contained within this email.
  2. If you know of someone who you feel may benefit, please get them to take a look at the Reel Recovery website - where they can find information on the retreat in September.
  3. If you live in the North-East and would like to either act as a "fishing buddy" or help in any other way over the retreat weekend, please get in touch with Michael directly via his email ( I know he'd love to hear from you.

As this is the launch of Reel Recovery in UK - with the first free fly fishing retreat happening in September - I'd love it if we could help out and get some momentum behind it.

I know that our email members will be eager to help - as that's the sort of community we are. I also know that our email community consists of a very eclectic bunch of anglers - so on the off-chance there is anyone out there reading this who thinks that their company could help with sponsorship of any kind - be it tackle, time or donations - I know Michael and the team behind Reel Recovery would be really appreciative.

Here at Barbless Flies we are helping as much as we can - I hope you can help us and let's show our angling friends from over the pond the power of the fly fishing community here in the UK.

"I discovered that while fly fishing I was in another place. In this place there was no cancer, no pain and no fear"

Thanks for taking the time to read this and please help us if you feel you can.

