Our man in Bosnia has been on the tools again - here's a stunning secret nymph selection

Our 'man in Bosnia' has been at it again - with some more very tempting nymphs - especially tied for success in the late part of the trout season & for early grayling.

We try to plan all of our fly selection at least 3 months in advance, when asked what we were planning for the end of the trout season, we wanted to do something a little different, so we asked him to surprise us and tie something which he would use himself, for trout, grayling and softmouth trout in Bosnia.

His reply was "I will tie you a few secret nymph patterns, which are the first I try on any rivers in September and October" - which had us intrigued, as we had no photos to go on, so we trusted his judgement and said, "go for it". The first time we saw these was when they were delivered to us last Friday. It's safe to say we were impressed!

Check out these Bosnian bad boys ...

Our Secret Bosnian Late Season Nymph Selection contains 12 nymphs (4 different patterns, 3 of each in a size 16).

As we've only got 30 of these Secret Bosnian Nymph Selections available, we'll get straight down to the offer:


  • Buy 1 Selection of Bosnian Secret Late Season Nymphs for £24; or
  • Buy 2 Selections for only £42.

No discount codes, just add the Secret Bosnian Nymph Selections to your basket and all discounts are applied automatically. To view or buy our Bosnian Secret Nymph Selection, just click on any image or button contained within this email.

Keep reading for more info and detailed images of the nymphs - you'll be glad you did ...


So what nymphs are best for tempting those late season trout (and early grayling)?

Usually, trout look to nymphs when feeding in the late season/colder water as the dry fly action tends to dramatically reduce as the temperature cools. These smaller nymphs have been tied to fish as deep as possible, with 2.8mm tungsten beads - to keep your nymph where it needs to be - on the bottom.

Late-season nymph fishing is more about finding the fish, so it's important to keep on the move and only pass your nymphs through a lane a couple of times - if there's a fish there they will usually take it straight away.

The body of these nymphs has been tied segmented with wire to add a little weight along the hook and to match the style of the natural nymphs in the water.

Top Tip: if you are fishing in coloured water, use the Red-Neck Black Pheasant Tail Nymph. For some reason, a darker bead seems to work really well when the water has less visibility!

enerally, the water levels at this time of year are starting to rise, so we've also added a 2.8mm tungsten bead to the superb Ahrex FW505 Short Shank hook. This selection of 'secret' nymphs includes 4 different patterns, 3 each of the following:

  • Red-Neck Black Pheasant Tail Nymph (with a 2.8mm Black tungsten bead)
  • Scud Nymph (with a 2.8mm Silver tungsten bead)
  • Hare's Ear Nymph (with a 2.8mm Silver tungsten bead)
  • Olive Nymph (with a 2.8mm Silver tungsten bead)

These specialist Trout & Grayling nymphs are all tied on Size 16 Ahrex FW505 Short Shank hooks.

Please Remember: Our special offer on these will close at midnight tonight - 1 set for £24, or 2 sets for £42.

We've only 30 of these selections available, so if you want a set, you will need to be quick - Our Bosnian flies always sell out within a few hours of being released!

Go on, treat yourself - you know you want to - at £24 for the selection, these will not hang around for long!

It’s important to note that when nymphing, you have to be quite methodical and logical when fishing the river. I’ve always found the best way to do it is to imagine the river is split up into a number of lanes (just like a motorway):

  • Always fish the lane closest to you first from the bank before wading into the river (you’ll be amazed at how many fish you catch that you would have just waded through!).
  • Once you have fished that lane, step into the river and fish the next lane out.
  • Then repeat (assuming it’s safe to wade into the middle of the river).
  • Once you have fished the width of the river as best you can, carefully wade back to your starting point and take a step up stream and repeat the whole process again.

t’s always better to cast into each lane quite a few times and let the nymph(s) do their work, generally though if there’s a fish around it will take the nymph within the first couple of drifts.

Tight lines & have a great day.
