Late Season River Essentials - Late Season Fly Selection Ideas

Late Season River Essentials

Fishing in September can be very challenging - adapting to the different weather conditions thrown at us - take last weekend as a perfect example:

09:00 - Bright Sunshine - I decide to venture to the river for a couple of hours later in the day (after my household chores are completed!)

15:00 - Slightly Overcast - Gear deposited in the car, quick stop at the garage for some Jelly Babies - apart from a Pork Pie, they are the perfect river snack.

15:05 - Still Overcast - Arrive at the river, setup up rod and step into waders

15:06 - Still Overcast - Looks like there's an Olive hatch in progress, tie on a JT Olive

15:10 - Getting A Bit Breezy - Step into the river and make my 1st cast

15:11 - Monsoon Conditions - Get out of the river and shelter under a tree, it's bound to pass soon.

15:45 - Still Monsoon Conditions - Half an hur later and I've finished my Jelly Babies, the river is up by about 1ft and coloured, time to head back to the car

15:50 - Bright Sunshine Again - Tie on a size 12 Endrick Spider, there's a favourite pool (just near the car) which is perfect for Euro Nymphing when the river is high.

15:51 - Still Bright Sunshine - 3 casts & 1 fish, not too bad!

15:55 - Monsoon Conditions (again) - Quick run back to the car, it turns out my waterproof jacket is not quite as waterproof as it used to be!

I'm sure you have all experienced something along the same lines as the above, although I was washed off I found that by adapting to the conditions presented to me I was able to still enjoy a cast (or two) and spend some quality time besides (if not in) the river.

Over the next few weeks, I will be bringing you some tried and tested fly patterns and selections, specifically for late-season trout (and early-season Grayling) fishing - we've just received some cracking patterns which I will tell you more about on Tuesday!

I thought I should start today with one of the most popular selections we have available: The Late Season Selection - it covers all the most popular patterns used in September - if you were to get just one selection, this is the one!

The majority of late-season success will be fishing flies sub-surface, that's the reason for our selection mainly consists of spider patterns (both weighted and unweighted) - with a really nice olive imitation included for when those afternoon hatches occur.

We've also included a handy primer on Spider fishing for you to download towards the end of this email - happy clicking!

The patterns included in our Late Season Selection are:

We previously extolled the virtues of the Endrick Spider (which is included within this selection), so here's a rundown of a few of the other patterns included in our Late Season Selection:

The JT Olive

A dry fly imitation of a hatching Olive - originally devised by John Tyzack. Tied with a mole fur body, Coq de Leon tail and a sparse CdC hackle. This fly can be used in all seasons, there's nothing better than this on a warm late-season afternoon, on its own with a long tapered leader during an Olive hatch.

Snipe & Purple

A great sparse spider pattern for the early season. Fished on a long leader teamed up with the Waterhen Bloa & Endrick Spider, these can be deadly. Dressed in appropriate sizes and weights, the Snipe & Purple can be fished successfully throughout the late-season. Our selection contains two each, of sizes 14 & 16.

As with most of our emails, we only have a limited number of these Early Season Selections available, so if our previous offerings are anything to go by, you will need to be quick off the mark!

These flies are available as a selection (20 flies in total) for only £26.00 - saving you 10% on buying the flies individually.

Click any button or image above to view each of these flies and the selection in much more detail.

A Specialist Autumn Pattern

The Sherry Spinner (or Spent Mahogany) is a pattern which comes into its own at this time of year, it's a great imitation of any spent Olive and it great when fished in the smaller sizes (size 18) later in the day.

Tied on an an AHREX FW503 barbless hook with a stripped peacock herl body and Z-Lon flat/spent wings.

Tied on a size 18 AHREX FW503 barbless hook with a stripped peacock herl body and Z-Lon flat/spent wings.

Our Sherry Spinner features:

  • Hook: Ahrex FW503 Size 18
  • Body: Stripped Peacock Herl
  • Wings: White Z-Lon
  • Tail: 3 Paint Brush Fibres

We've just received these patterns from our Artisan guys, and the quality is outstanding.

Grab your's now - while we still have them in stock!

Click on the image or button below to download your FREE copy of our Spider Fishing Manifesto:

FLY: Book Series - Restock

The guys at the printers have been hard at work - re-printing all of the FLY: series of books that were out of stock - the good news is that we now have them all again!

If you want to get a head start on the Grayling season, why not pick up our "Fishing For Grayling" book, it's great to get you started on the right foot for the Lady of the Stream.

Tight lines, pack your Jelly Babies & keep dry.
