Knock ... Knock ... Who's There? - A Bloke With a Another Box Full Of Stunning Flies

We've had another package arrive ...

You may remember that back at the end of June we offered a trial 'Artisan' selection of flies from a brand new tyer - we sold them all in just a couple of hours - so you obviously liked them!

We've just signed a deal with them so that we are now the sole supplier of their flies in the UK.

We've also created a new brand - 'Artisan from Barbless Flies' - and all of these stunning flies (with more to follow) will be marketed using the 'Artisan' brand and logo.

Guess what ... we've a NEW set of flies available to you today, specifically for fishing in late Summer and early Autumn:

On opening their latest package it was once again full of the best quality flies I've seen in a very very long time, well, since the last package they sent!

I'm sure you can tell from the image above that these flies had been tied with the best quality materials (Semperfli, Ahrex hooks etc.).

Flies from this specialist tyer were so warmly received the last time we offered them, we just had to get some new patterns, ready for the best of autumn fishing.

As you will be no doubt aware this type of quality does not come cheap, these flies cost us quite a bit more than we usually buy flies at - but we just couldn't resist, the quality is so high:

"The highest quality flies, tied with the best materials and hooks money can buy."

The last time we offered flies from this tyer the response was the best we've ever had from any of our flies, so we've heavily invested and commissioned this Artisan Autumn Dry Selection:

The Artisan Autumn Dry Fly Selection


Our Artisan Autumn Dry Fly Selection consists of 16 flies, 2 each of 8 separate patterns:

  • Deguello Black/Chartreuse - Ahrex FW503 size 14
  • Deguello Black/Grey - Ahrex FW503 size 14
  • Deguello Yellow/Brown - Ahrex FW503 size 14
  • Dyret Tan - Ahrex FW503 size 16
  • Spent Caddis - Ahrex FW503 size 14
  • Last Chance Cripple Midge - Ahrex FW503 size 18
  • Elk-Hair Caddis (Tan) - Ahrex FW503 size 14
  • CdC Shuttlecock Midge - Ahrex FW503 size 18

These flies are all tied on one of the best hook ranges in the business, Ahrex.

Please Note: We only have a limited amount - 40 selections - they take ages to tie to this quality. They will sell pretty quickly, so if you would like a selection you will need to be quick!


We are supplying 2 of each of the above patterns, that's 16 flies in total for a price of only £30, outstanding value for the quality - I know these are some of the more expensive flies we sell, but the quality has to be seen to be believed.

Please Note: On the product page, you also have the option to include one of our slimline silicone fly boxes (for £6), bringing the total for flies and a silicone box to £36

Our Artisan Autumn Dry Fly Selection is very limited - we only have 40 available.

Just click on any image or button in this email to view details and buy your selection.

If you would like a set, you will need to be quick off the mark!

Here are a few more detailed images to really tempt you:

Detailed images (and specifications) of each fly contained within this specially curated selection can be found on our website, here.

Go on, you know you want to!

Tight lines & have fun.

P.S. The delivery contained more than just one set of flies, watch this space ...

P.P.S. If you would like our Artisan Summer Dry Selection, you can find those here:
