FLY: The Next In The Series - Launching Today

The Mayfly & Marilyn ...

I'd like to kick off this email by first thanking all of you who put your trust in us and bought the first in our FLY Series: Early Season Fly Fishing - they have been really well received - so much so, that we've had to reprint it 3 times so far, and counting ...

We've had some really positive feedback on them (which we've incorporated into this next in the series):

N.B. If you are a retailer and thinking "I like the look of those", please get in touch - we'd like them to be available to as wide an audience as possible.

So, hanging off the coat-tails of the first in our series comes the tricky 2nd album, or in this case, the one which we think will be the most sought after of them all - because it's all about the ...

Written and produced in conjunction with FlyFishMedia (think of them as the educational arm of Barbless Flies, as we run both of these sites).

What can be said about the Mayfly that's not already been written ... well, I've been playing with some artificial intelligence software - I told you I was a bit geky - I've affectionately called her Marilyn (after Marilyn vos Savant - look her up) - I asked Marilyn "What does the Mayfly mean to the fly angler?" and here's what s

he came up with:

I think Marilyn's captured the essence of the Mayfly pretty well, especially when you consider she's no idea what one is and has never experienced the feeling of watching them in full flight for herself.

Before I get too geeky, lets crack on to the main gist of this email. It's to launch the second in the series of 'Observer' style books, but dedicated to fly fishing:

We're super proud to present to you the 2nd in a series of pocket-sized books at pocket-money prices (only £8.99) - all about The Mayfly:

This book, written by us and co-published by FlyFishMedia, contains a detailed analysis of the Mayfly and how to fish each of the various stages you will see on the water.

Book Details:

Number of Pages - 80
Format - A6 (10.5cm x 14.8cm)

In this book, you will discover how to imitate the full lifecycle of the Mayfly, along with an in-depth 'deep dive' into each stage of the Mayfly's life cycle, including how to then imitate them with the most common fly patterns.

This book also discusses the type of conditions you can expect to face and the various tips, tricks and techniques used the fish them.

Our book also includes details on the most suitable equipment to use and some leader configurations to get the best from the Mayfly hatch on your own waters.

Please Note: This is a physical book, printed in English.

We are hoping that these will be as well received as the 1st in the series, but just to be on the safe side, we've done an initial limited print run of 200, so if you would like one of the first editions, grab yours now.

We hope you enjoy reading (and collecting them) as much as we have researching and putting them together.

Go on, you know you want to!

Watch & Learn

Tune Up Your Mayfly Skills

The Mayfly… probably the most eagerly anticipated hatch in the flyfishing year.

Join six times English national rivers champion John Tyzack (AAPGAI) for an unforgettable trip to Derbyshire’s River Wye. John shows you how to get the most from a day’s Mayfly fishing, using nymphs, emergers, duns and spinners to target the Wye’s trout, many of which are wild breeding Rainbows.

John also meets with the river keeper for an in-depth chat about the reintroduction and supplementation of Mayfly using techniques that can be applied on any venue.

Back at the tying bench John shows in detail how to tie each of the flies used and discusses tackle selection and leader makeup.

The Complete Mayfly… not only a definitive guide to tying and fishing every stage of the lifecycle but also how to ensure thriving populations of this iconic fly for generations to come.

Tight lines, get out there and have some fun.

P.S. We are hoping to release quite a few of these this year - roughly one every eight weeks - the next one will be with you towards the end of June.