Early Season Power Nymphs - Generating Electricity on the River

Early Season Power Nymphs
As we are now drawing closer towards the start of the river season, I hope that you are looking forward to getting back on the hunt for trout.
For those of you who prefer to target our silver tourists - we have a very special offer for you at the end of this email.
Read on McDuff ...
I've always found the start of the season really challenging, the resident fish of the Derwent don't really seem interested in any nymphs which I present to them - no matter how well they are tied! They take a little time to 'warm up' and really switch on to my offerings - they do seem to love our Nested Hot-Spot Jigs judging by the amount of out-of-season trout I'm connecting with though!
One school of thought - which I personally subscribe to, and has worked really well for me over the years - is to start to use smaller, more imitative nymphs during the early part of the day, especially when the fish seem to be a little sluggish and there's little to no activity on the surface.
This nymph, created by John Barr in 1993, has a world famous reputation for catching fish.
There's an urban myth that the success of this nymph is due to the copper wire being wrapped around a hook, which creates a form of magnetic field which then attracts the fish - I suppose you do have the beginnings of an electromagnet with the materials, I'm still not sold on the idea though - but the nymphs work - so who's to argue!
If you want to give them a go and see their fish-catching abilities for yourself, then we have our updated Copper John Selection available for you to try now:
The Copper John is a nymph which has always caught fish, this nymph is a great fly for both Trout and Grayling. Great in deep or fast water, it can also be used as a part of the Duo setup with great effect. This fly accounts for fish in virtually every river and stillwater, due to its weight and profile, with copper wire twisted around the hook shank this gives the fly a uniform weight distribution throughout the fly, and more importantly, gets the fly to the depth where the fish are. Even in the smaller sizes this fly penetrates the water and sinks.
Our Copper John Selection contains the following colour variations:
Our Copper John Selection contains 16 nymphs (4 of the above colour variations, 2 of each, in sizes 14 & 18) and is available now for only £20 - which includes Free Delivery to anywhere - in our Eco-Friendly packaging. That's a massive 15% saving over buying them individually. If you have a discount code from us, you can include that to save even more.
Go on, you know you want to!
Salmon Season Opens ...
As I hope you are aware - if you're into chasing silver - we do stock lots of Salmon (and Sea Trout) flies and tubes - Please Note that all of our hooked salmon flies are barbed, it's near on impossible to get hold of the barbless varieties.
We have a bit of a deal for you, for today only - get a 15% discount on all our Salmon & Sea Trout flies & tubes - with a minimum order of only £10, all discounts are automatically applied - no need for any discount codes, this offer ends at midnight tonight:
As a bit of an extra bonus, we will also add a copy of last year's Salmon Almanac for FREE (RRP £19.99) to all orders over £40:
2022 Salmon Anglers Almanac
For each season in the salmon fishing year - covering the conditions you are likely to expect - there are pages detailing fly selection info, techniques, tips and tricks, including pages to note your catch return and any tactics used.
We stock a comprehensive range of salmon, sea trout & saltwater flies for all conditions. All of the flies we stock are of the highest quality. We only stock flies from world-class tyers - Caledonia Flies etc.
Have fun and stay safe out there, whatever your target species!
P.S. If you would like to learn how best to fish the Copper John's, take a look at Stan's French Nymphing course over on our sister site - https://flyfish.media.