Early Knockings - for Grayling

I hope you enjoyed our 'Grayling Leaders' email last Saturday and this has piqued your interest in extending your season by targeting Grayling. 

As the Grayling season is only just getting underway we thought that a few tips specific to fishing for early-season Grayling were in order:

  • Go Searching - Fishing for Grayling at this time of year (Autumn), is all about finding the fish. Grayling will be spread out across the length of the river, the best places to start are exactly where you would find trout. But bear in mind, that Grayling do not necessarily like any type pf structure, so run your nymphs in any likely looking riffle and seam.
  • Fly Colour - When first approaching the water I always use 2 wildly different colours for my nymphs. I will generally use a colourful ceramic/heavy fly on the point, and then a small drab pattern on a dropper (usually a white beaded black tungsten nymph). Once you have had a few takes you can refine your fly choice to match what the Grayling are targeting - I have found that white-headed flies seem to be very successful over the past few weeks. 
  • Dry Fly - Last weekend there was a window of about 30 minutes where a hatch of very small olives took place. I changed to a dry fly (size 18 Griffith's Gnat) and took some really nice Grayling. So don't be afraid to change your setup (even if it is just for a short period of time).

Towards the end of this email, you will also find some tips to help you when searching a river for Winter Grayling.

As you would expect, we also have loads of Grayling-specific nymphs available (and we've even more arriving with us over the next few weeks - about 50,000 of them to be exact)!

As you learnt all about the leaders in last weekend's email, it's time you had some flies!

A few years ago we bundled together our most popular early-season Grayling Nymphs into a selection - if you only buy one set of flies for Grayling, these are virtually guaranteed to be successful, and we've got a great offer on them: 

Our Barbless Grayling Selection, is a selection of 4 of the most popular styles of weighted grayling nymphs, in total there are 20 flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. All of these nymphs are tied using barbless hooks, in sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16. Our selection includes:

  • Grayling Bomb - One of the best grayling nymphs available. Tied to represent a pink shrimp with a double bead. This fly is best fished using the tight-line nymphing method on the point. Our selection contains two each of sizes 10, 12, 14 & 16.
  • Grayling Pink Nymph - Another great nymph for grayling, ideal when fished on the dropper of a tight-line rig (with the grayling bomb). This fly also acts like a spider fly, with the hackle tied in the middle of the hook. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
  • Grayling Special Nymph - This pattern is a great searching pattern for grayling. It's slim profile allows it to sink through the water column quickly. We have had real success with this fished on its own upstream. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.
  • Copperknob Nymph - Again, another searching pattern. Similar to the popular red-tag pattern, this is tied with a red tail and hare's ear body, weighted with a bead and copper wire. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 16.

The Barbless Grayling Selection is a selection of 4 of the most popular styles of weighted grayling nymphs, in total, there are 20 flies supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. All of these nymphs are tied using barbless hooks, in sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16.

This selection is available now for only £22 (was £25), click any button or image above to view the flies in more detail.

Plus, we have a special offer, for today only:

For ANY order which includes one of our Updated for 2022 Grayling Selections we will include a FREE pair of Haago Hand/Toe/Foot warmers (it's a lucky dip) - Never say we don't look after you!

Go on, you know you want to!

So, you've got the flies ... now what?

Right, you've got all the gear, where do you find Grayling:

  1. Before the winter frosts, Grayling will not be shoaled up, therefore its important to fish where the grayling are (I know it sounds obvious!). Therefore the likely spots are exactly where you would find trout:
    • Gravel bottoms
    • In the seam of two currents
    • In the foam line – Remember “foam is your home”
    • Just off and around weed beds
  2. Grayling have an underslung mouth, they are bottom feeders. If you cannot see them rising, you need to present your flies on the river bed.
  3. Look for deeper, slower water. Grayling do not like structure, so look for uniform flows of water.
  4. Look for creases, especially slow water which is just off a faster crease.
  5. Grayling are a long, thin delicate fish, they do not like to sit in the river flow, due to the energy expended. The grayling has a thin wrist which means they do not have lots of power in their tail to fight against the flow.
  6. Grayling are very tolerant of anglers, they do not spook as easily as trout. I’ve even had grayling take insects off my waders whilst standing in the river fishing!
  7. Grayling are a shoal fish in the main. Once you’ve caught one - stand still and cast again – you’re more than likely to catch another.

TOP TIP: If using a team of 2 nymphs, try putting the heaviest on a short dropper about 12" above the point fly, this will then allow you to fish both nymphs tight to the bottom. 

Keep an eye on our emails over the coming weeks for much more information on Grayling fishing, we're hoping to get more and more advanced information out the more we get into the Grayling season.


We are really pleased that Royal Mail have called off their strikes for the next 2 weeks - we may be able to actually guarantee deliveries once again!

Stay tuned to your emails on Thursday, we have a bumper edition coming out - focussed on 'Big Flies for Big Fish' ... until Thursday


Tight lines, have fun & keep warm!