Dry Flies Which Work Everywhere - The Specialist Dry Fly Selection

When we first launched Barbless Flies - all the way back in 2014 - we started with only two selections of dry flies.

Our initial aim was to put together separate universal selections of dry flies which you could take to any water (be it river or stillwater) in the UK, and be confident of catching fish - no matter what time of year.

As the weather starts to warm (hopefully!), within the next few weeks, fly anglers from across the country will be blowing the dust off their dry fly boxes and putting them to use in anger on our rivers and stillwaters.

Our Specialist Dry Selection has not changed at all since we first launched it nine years ago. We've now given the patterns a slight tweak with updated materials to make them usable in even more fishing situations you may find when using dry flies.

Our Specialist Dry Selection contains four patterns. Three of which you will find in virtually every anglers fly box:

  • The Jingler - An imitation of the Large Dark Olive, this spider like fly is fished dry and sits just in the meniscus. Can be used in either early or late season, one of the new generation of flies. Our selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
  • Split-Wing Olive - With a slim quill like body and CdC split wings, these really do imitate the Blue Winged Olive and are ideal during afternoon hatches. With the wings tied in a slight 'V' formation, these sit just right on the water surface. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.
  • IOBO Humpy - One of the best named flies around! The IOBO Humpy was originally designed and tied by Jack Tucker of Pennsylvania, USA. Very simple to tie (using a single CdC feather), floats like a cork and is deadly. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.

The fourth pattern in our selection is a very special one - The John Storey. This fly, named after a river keeper on the Ryedale Anglers Club, is a favourite on the Yorkshire rivers. Tied with a peacock hurl body, cock hackle and mallard wing sloping over the front of the fly. This selection contains two each of sizes 14 & 18.

Take a look at the end of this email for some tips on how to maintain the floatability (is that even a word) of your dry fly.




Our Updated Specialist Dry Selection is now available as a selection of 16 flies (4 different patterns - see above). We are supplying all of these for only £18, all shipped to you FREE of charge in our eco-friendly packaging.

Just click on any image or button in this email to view the flies in more detail.

*** Just a gentle reminder that all our products are shipped FREE OF CHARGE to anywhere ***


Dry Fly Boxes

If you're looking for somewhere to store your nice new dry flies, then look no further, as we have just received some stunning boxes from those fly box masters at Tacky Fly Fishing:

With slits for up to 143 flies, a waterproof closure, and their signature magpad mean you won’t have to compromise between carrying capacity and function.

While we’d all love to have a full complement of flies at our disposal at all times, carrying every pattern in the arsenal doesn’t always make sense. For those quick trips to the river after work or just a prospecting mission at your local pond, the Small PescadorMagPad offers plenty of storage. Slits for up to 143 flies, a waterproof closure, and our signature MagPad mean you won't have to compromise between carrying capacity and function.

These boxes are easy to fit in a pocket or small pack, as they measure only: 5” x 3.125” x 1”.

We've only a few of these (as they are pretty hard to come by, available now for only £29.99 - including FREE delivery. Grab one while you can.

When fishing with dry flies there is one key aspect that the fly angler needs to concentrate on - keeping them afloat!

Keeping your dry flies floating on the water - not in it - is one of the main skills for effective dry fly fishing. If you follow these steps you can be confident that your dries will stay afloat throughout the day:

  • Only ever apply a gel/paste/liquid floatant to a fly that is 100% dry - i.e. it's straight out of your fly box and not seen the water that day. Applying this type of floatant to a fly that is damp will lock in the moisture and not allow it to float.
  • Once you've had a fish, or your fly starts to sink, give it a squeeze between some amadou/a drying towel or piece of kitchen roll. Once you've removed the water and the fly is dry you can then freshen up the fly using one of the powder style floatants. Just brush the powder deep into the feathers and give it a blow to remove any excess.

Top Tip: Use the 'Elastic Band' method to remove water from your fly:

  1. Attach an elastic band to your vest/pack.
  2. Hook your fly around the elastic band.
  3. Holding the tippet, pull the fly to stretch the elastic band.
  4. Channel your best Eric Clapton and twang the elastic band a few times with your free hand.
  5. This will shed all of the excess water from the fly!

Tight lines & happy twanging.

