Don't Be A Tosser - Use A Line Saver

I have a confession to make - I'm a bit of a hoarder!

I like collecting things, especially fishing books - but outside of fishing, my other passion is collecting ideas - I know it's a bit geeky.

I'm always on the lookout for ideas which either make me think or make me smile, like this one:

I have a special bit of software I use to store all these ideas so I can recall them easily whenever the need arises (I have hundreds of them, gathered together over the last 30 years).

Back in May 2023 - that need arose ... and the above image was recalled from the system! 

It was an image & strapline which has been used by various Local Authorities since 2018, in conjunction with the Keep Britain Tidy campaign.

So, what happened back in May last year to prompt me to search for "Don't Be A Tosser"?

I received a phone call from a guy called Nicholas Fitton (a well-respected angling writer), he had an idea for a fishing-related product which would also help to keep Britain tidy and wondered if I would be interested in developing it further with him.

Too right I would ...

So, after quite a few discussions/brain-storming sessions, we had some prototypes made ... field-tested them on the rivers of Yorkshire and Devon ... refined the design quite a few times, and we just had the finished product delivered to us last Friday - I must say a very big "Thank You" to Litchfield Leather for getting these made to such a high standard and delivered to us so quickly.

It's been over a year in the making, we're launching it today, it's only £9.99 and it's called a Line Saver:

So, Don't Be A Tosser, Use A ...

Essentially, the Line Saver is a small, thoughtfully-designed leather wallet to hold all of your waste fishing line securely - ready to recycle when you are away from the water.

The Line Saver is very easy to use - click on the image below to watch a 'how to' video - just give the Line Saver a squeeze, stuff your line in it (the material inside the wallet holds your line securely) and keep it in your pocket/pack/vest.

And, best of all it is only £9.99:

"Fishing line can take up to 600 years to degrade" Canal & Rivers Trust

Recycling your fishing line benefits rivers and lakes by preventing pollution and safeguarding aquatic life.

Discarded lines can entangle fish, birds, and other wildlife, leading to injury or death. These lines also degrade water quality, harming ecosystems and reducing biodiversity. Recycling keeps fishing line out of waterways, minimising environmental damage and preserving natural habitats.

Additionally, recycling reduces the demand for new plastic production, conserves resources and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

By participating in fishing line recycling programs, anglers contribute to cleaner, healthier rivers and lakes, promoting sustainable recreational fishing and protecting local ecosystems for future generations.


It really is easy to use:

  1. Squeeze - In one hand, Squeeze your Line Save together to open up the central compartment.
  2. Stuff - Stuff your line into the Line Saver, the material inside will keep the line in place.
  3. Snip - When you are ready to remove the line, open up the Line Saver and either run a pair of scissors down the gap in the material to Snip your line into manageable pieces or just pull all the line from the wallet in one piece.
  4. Recycle - Recycle your waste line by following the instructions on the included card or visit a local tackle shop with an ANLRS Recycling Bin.

To make the process of recycling your waste fishing line as easy as possible, we've joined forces with the Anglers National Line Recycling Service.

Collect all of your waste fishing line together, then either deposit it in your local ANLRS Recycling Bin (click here to view bin locations) or securely package it (in the addressed envelope we supply with every Line Saver) and at the end of the season post your waste line to: ANLRS, PO Box 96, Petworth GU28 8BU

Please Note: We've kept the price of the Line Saver as low as we possibly can, both Nicholas and I wanted to make the product as easy to access, use and keep as possible - there are other competing products which do a similar job, but ours is longer-lasting and half the price of the others - and we think it's much better!

The Line Saver is launching today and is now available to order through Barbless Flies, for only £9.99 which includes FREE delivery to anywhere in the UK.

For All Trade Enquiries:

The Line Saver also has its own website (, we are looking to get these out to as wide an audience as possible - if you are reading this and would like to stock them either online or in a physical shop, please get in touch, we can offer these at very competitive prices as we would love to get all anglers using one!

You can find out much more here -

As anglers, we all need to do our bit to 'leave no trace' - using a Line Saver makes it very easy to store your waste tippet and leaders, ready for recycling when away from the water.

I hope you will help to keep your local environment free of fishing line.

Tight lines.