Bosnian Secret Early Season Nymphs

Our 'man in Bosnia' has been at it again - with some more very tempting
nymphs - especially tied for success in the early part of the trout season.
We try to plan all of our fly selection at least 3 months in advance,
when asked what we were planning for the start of the trout season, we wanted
to do something a little different, so we asked him to surprise us and
tie something which he would use himself, for trout in Bosnia.
His reply was "I will tie you a secret pattern, which is the first nymph I try
on any river" - which had us intrigued, as we had no photos to go on, so we
trusted his judgement and said, "go for it". The first time we saw these was
when they were delivered to us yesterday. It's safe to say we were impressed!
Check out these Bosnian bad boys ...
Our Secret Bosnian Early season Nymph Selection contains 12 nymphs (4
different colours, 3 of each in a size 14).
As we've only got 30 of these Secret Bosnian Nymph Selections available,
we'll get straight down to the offer:
Buy 1 Selection of Bosnian Tungsten Tag Nymphs today for £22; or
Buy 2 Selections for only £40.
No discount codes, just add the Secret Bosnian Nymph Selections to your
basket and all discounts are applied automatically. To view or buy our Bosnian
Secret Nymph Selection, just click on any image or button contained within this
Keep reading for more info and detailed images of the nymphs - you'll be
glad you did ...
So what nymphs are best for tempting those early season trout?
Usually, trout look to nymphs when feeding in the early season/colder water.
These nymphs have been tied to fish as deep as possible, with 3mm tungsten
beads - to keep your nymph where it needs to be, on the bottom.

Early season nymph fishing is more about finding the fish, so it's important to
keep on the move and only pass your nymphs through a lane a couple of times
- if there's a fish there they will usually take it straight away.

The body of these nymphs has been tied segmented with coloured thread to
imitate the colours and style of the natural nymphs in the water.

Top Tip: if you are fishing in coloured water, use the Bloodworm Red nymph.
Coloured water usually means that the river is running higher than usual, this
high water erodes the soft banks and washes worms into the river.
Generally, the water levels at this time of year are average to high, so we've
also added a 3mm tungsten bead to the superb Ahrex FW541 Curved Nymph
hook. This selection of 'secret' nymphs includes 4 different colour variations, 3
each of the following:

Mustard Yellow (with a 3mm Gunmetal tungsten bead)
Olive Green (with a 3mm Gunmetal tungsten bead)
Aphid Green (with a 3mm Gunmetal tungsten bead)
Bloodworm Red (with a 3mm Gunmetal tungsten bead)

These specialist Trout nymphs are all tied on Size 14 Ahrex FW541 Curved
Nymph hooks.
Please Remember: We've only 30 of these selections available, so if you want
a set, you will need to be quick - Our Bosnian flies always sell out within a few
hours of being released!
Go on, treat yourself - you know you want to - at £22 for the selection,
these will not hang around for long!
Fishing in the early part of the season (March and April) can be very
challenging, depending on which part of the British Isles you are located.
Generally, the further South and West you are the better the fishing will be at
this time of year – the North and Scotland always seem to lag a couple or three
weeks behind the South of the British Isles as far as hatches and river fish
activity go.
Manage your expectations – You’ve probably been waiting for the first
trip of the season for a while, and if you’re anything like me, thinking of
nothing else but those first few (very rusty) casts! Don’t go expecting to
‘bag up’, once the season opens the water is generally still very cold and
the fish less actively feeding. River choice is a key factor at this time, if
your lucky enough to have a choice of river, it’s always best to target the
smaller streams where possible, you will stand a much better chance of
success. It’s also best to time your trips to when you are more likely to
see active fish in front of you – between 11am and 2pm. So, now is the
time to act accordingly, have a nice and leisurely breakfast - a Full English
is my preferred option - at a local caf – got to support those local
businesses. Arrive at the river for around 10:30 and get set up – always
keeping an eye on the water for any movement.

Early Season Watercraft – Searching for those early season fish is
where watercraft comes into play more than at any other time of the year.
Watercraft is the art of looking, listening and watching the water (and the
environment around you) and then decoding the signals to give you an
indication of what is happening, then using tactics based on what you
see. A typical example of this is seeing a Wagtail on the riverbanks, these
birds are notorious for arriving on the river just before an Olive hatch
starts, if you see one – tie on an Olive emerger and wait! Watercraft is far
too big a subject to go into detail here, if you would like to read more there
is a fantastic book I would highly recommend: Moving Water by Jason
Finally, Even though we are forecast some nice weather over the next few
days, don’t let any bad weather put you off, so long as the water is fishable,
ignore the conditions – some of my best early-season days have been when
there’s a gale blowing and it’s about to rain.

Tight lines & have a great day.