Barbless Flies

Hi from Richard,
Firstly, I'd like to personally thank you for being a valued member of our email
In this email I want to let you know what our plans are, as far as emails go for
2022. I know we do send quite a few emails and some of you will be newer
When I send an email to you my goal is that every one I send
must contain information that you can either learn from or make use of in your
own fishing.
For the 2022 season, I will be putting a little more structure behind the weekly
emails I send. I'm letting you know now, in advance, so you can make the most
of them.
So what are we going to do?
I have decided that our emails should adhere to a day and subject structure.
Starting from this weekend, we will send them using the following schedule:
Some Saturdays: Hatch Chat Email - A deep dive on an insect that is
hatching now - these will get less frequent once we get past May as the
hatch activity starts to decrease
Every Tuesday: New/Interesting Fly Patterns & How To Fish Them
Every Thursday: Current Fishing Information (so you can prepare for the
weekend) & Popular 'Back In Stock' Patterns
weekend) & Popular 'Back In Stock' Patterns
I hope that this new, ordered way of sending emails will allow you to remain a
valued member of our community - we've some fantastic ideas and articles
planned for the coming river season.
Stay tuned & tight lines.

P.S. Should you wish at any time to unsubscribe from our community - and we
really hope you don't - there is a link at the bottom of every email we send to
allow you to unsubscribe.
really hope you don't - there is a link at the bottom of every email we send to
allow you to unsubscribe.