Another Stunning Selection - Direct from Bosnia

Our guy in Bosnia has done it again, we asked him to tie us some patterns which would entice fish in unpredictable conditions (that was all the brief we gave him) and he's done the business yet again.

Also, take a look at the end of this email for some 'Top Tips' on getting the most out of your Late Season Trout (and Grayling) fishing.

On my local small stream, it's been quite hard fishing of late, especially with the recent changeable river levels, it's either really low or up around your waist and the colour of a decent pint of bitter! Even with the higher levels, I am still finding that the "go-to" tactic is to go small and imitative. Using a longer leader allows for a more gentle presentation, especially when combined with a longer lighter rod (my go-to rod for this situation is the wonderful Maxia MX 9' 2wt) employing this method I've caught in mornings and evenings, using these small emergers and indicator dries - even in the Theakston's IPA coloured water.

Following along the lines of 'small and imitative' we have just received these stunning late-season dry flies from or man in Bosnia. These flies have been specifically tied for fishing in the (sometimes) challenging late-season river conditions. Take a look at them below: 

*Our selection does not include the fly box as shown in the above image - they are just arty shots of the various patterns!

Show Me The Bosnian Summer Dry Fly Selection

Our Bosnian Late Season Dry Fly Selection consists of 8 flies, 2 each of 4 separate patterns:

CdC Emerger patterns:

  • Hot-Spot Pheasant Tail CdC Emerger - Size 18
  • Last Light CdC Emerger - Size 18

Up-Winged CdC Dry Flies:


  • Olive CdC Indicator - Size 18
  • Orange CdC Indicator - Size 18

We are supplying 2 of each of the above patterns, that's 8 flies in total for only £16. This premium Bosnian Late Season Dry fly selection is very limited (we only have 30 available) and once they are gone we will not have any more until next year. Just click on any image or button in this email to view details and buy your selection.



If you would like one, you will need to be quick off the mark!

Show Me The Bosnian Summer Dry Fly Selection

Late August River Tactics

Just recently i've been following these simple rules and it really has upped my success rate:

  • DO NOT get into the water and wade, not unless you really have to - As the fish have less natural cover from predators, they are really spooky. Any disturbance in the water (or noise from your studded boots) will transfer its way to the fish.
  • Use a longer leader - I generally use a longer and lighter leader, this will allow you to land the fly with a more delicate presentation - experiment with using a French Leader setup - they really come into their own at this time of year. 
  • Look for deep holes & behind any obstructions - If there is no surface activity these will be the places the fish are holding. Try experimenting with a Klink 'n' Dink setup (use a small beaded nymph - size 16 or smaller - we have a wide selection of these - as you may have guessed!).

Take advantage of the Low Water

If you are a keen Grayling angler, then now is the time to survey the river you fish.

If you regularly fish the same stretch for Grayling, now is your best chance, whilst the river bed is exposed, to take a look and note where the contours, deep holes and drop-offs are, and spot the likely fish holding places. This information will come in really useful when the water levels rise again and when the Grayling season starts in anger.

