An Insect Graveyard - The river has finally sprung into life!

I don't know about you, but last weekend something very strange, but also very welcome, happened ...
My local river just seemed to burst into life. The sun was out, there were insects everywhere and the overhanging vegetation seemed to be a foot longer than normal. The fish didn't seem to notice as there were not many rising - it does take a few days for them to realise that they can now look up for their food.
Just take a look at the front of my car - that is an insect graveyard - all accumulated on the 5 minute trip home from the river - it's got to be a good sign, as I cannot remember that many insects around for years.
Where we live it's pretty rural and you do tend to notice the seasons - this year everything seems to be running a couple of weeks late, so I'm hoping that this is a sign that times are changing and we can expect some really good sport on the river.
I'm writing this on Wednesday afternoon in anticipation of an evening on the river, I'm hoping the Mayfly make an appearance - it's about time they did - I'll report back on how it went!
In the meantime, I did promise you that I would let you see a full copy of our 1970's inspired infographic we produced a couple of years ago on the Mayfly.
Well here it is:
Please Note: If you would like to share the above infographic, just get in touch and I will let you have a higher resolution version.
As we are discussing the Mayfly (and why shouldn't we, this is the exact time of year to do it), we have a pretty special offer on the very best Mayfly we can supply - The Detached Body Mayfly - it's a work of art, you won't know wether to hang it on the wall or fish with it!
The Mayfly has two adult stages. They first emerge from the water as duns (scientifically known as the subimago stage), this is the stage this detached body fly imitates. They then molt into the spinner (imago) stage - usually on the underside of bankside vegetation, this is the stage which they find a mate and then die - all within a single day.
When fishing the Mayfly hatch during the day, there's no better fly to use than a Detached Dun imitation - and this is one of the best. We have these available now and ready to find a new home in your fly box.
Ok, you've sold me on them, "What's the price?" I hear you ask - we are making these flies available to you in sets of 5 for only £10.00.
Generally, if you're in the UK you will receive your order the very next day.
(for more detailed images please visit our website by clicking on any image or button above)
*** Go on, you know you want to ***
In fact, we love these flies so much, we made them the cover star of our 2023 River Fly Almanac (we do have a few left if you would like one!):
If you want to 'top up' your mayfly selection then take a look at all the ones we have available, just click the button below:
Tight lines & have fun out there.