Adams Selection

With the weather starting to be a little more settled across the country,
there's a great chance that the dry fly action will really start in earnest later this
week. Especially with the Iron Blue hatch just on the horizon - but more
about those at the weekend.
there's a great chance that the dry fly action will really start in earnest later this
week. Especially with the Iron Blue hatch just on the horizon - but more
about those at the weekend.
*** Towards the end of this email, you will find a nice write up on how to choose
the right length/make-up of your dry fly leader, along with some easy to make
leader recipes specifically tailored to different scenarios when dry fly fishing ***
the right length/make-up of your dry fly leader, along with some easy to make
leader recipes specifically tailored to different scenarios when dry fly fishing ***
The subject of today's email is a staple dry fly - especially on rivers, but gaining
much more of a reputation for success on Stillwaters - The Adams.
much more of a reputation for success on Stillwaters - The Adams.

Originally tied, in 1922, by Leonard Halladay and named after his good friend
Charles Adams. The image above is taken from a fantastic book called, Tying
Catskill-Style Dry Flies by Mike Valla, where there is a whole chapter dedicated
to the Adams - if you are into rolling your own flies, this book is a worthy
investment - we take lots of inspiration from it.
Charles Adams. The image above is taken from a fantastic book called, Tying
Catskill-Style Dry Flies by Mike Valla, where there is a whole chapter dedicated
to the Adams - if you are into rolling your own flies, this book is a worthy
investment - we take lots of inspiration from it.
No one is really sure which insects the Adams imitate - a good guess would be
an olive, but they really do work well, as such, the Adams is a fly which should
be in all angler fly box.
an olive, but they really do work well, as such, the Adams is a fly which should
be in all angler fly box.
Generally tied in two different styles, original and parachute versions:
Original - With a hackle running a third of the way down the hook shank.
Parachute - With the hackle tied horizontally around a sighting post
The way in which both of these variants are tied ensures the fly floats high on
the surface - and stays there with only a little floatant added!
the surface - and stays there with only a little floatant added!
The Adams fly is one that should be in all river anglers fly boxes
Hi-Vis Parachute Adams - Tied in the parachute style (with the hackle
wrapped horizontally), with an orange sighting post and in the original colours.
Our selection contains 2 each of sizes 14 and 16.
wrapped horizontally), with an orange sighting post and in the original colours.
Our selection contains 2 each of sizes 14 and 16.
Micro Parachute Adams - Tied in the original style (with the hackle wrapped
along a quarter of the hook), with a tall sighting post and in the original colours.
These are extremely small flies! Our selection contains 2 each of sizes 20 and
along a quarter of the hook), with a tall sighting post and in the original colours.
These are extremely small flies! Our selection contains 2 each of sizes 20 and
Our Adams Selection is now available as a selection of 16 flies (4 different
patterns - see above, 2 each of each size). We are supplying all of these for
only £18.
patterns - see above, 2 each of each size). We are supplying all of these for
only £18.
All are supplied in our eco-friendly packaging. Just click on any image or button
in this email to view the flies in more detail.
in this email to view the flies in more detail.

As we are now nearly in the dry fly season, what better way to start than to read
all about dry fly leaders!
all about dry fly leaders!
Leader Materials
When thinking about dry fly leaders, material choice is a subject in itself, here
are a few pointers to get you started:
are a few pointers to get you started:
Nylon/Copolymer: Generally more cost effective and slightly thicker than
Fluorocarbon: Denser than water so will sink, great when covering very
spooky fish.
Use whichever material you have confidence in, this is the weak point in any
setup, confidence in knot strength is everything!
Leader Material Sizes: The X system marked on spools of tippet determines
the diameter of the tippet (the bigger the X number, the thinner the tippet):

Leader Length
If the water is small or rough, use a leader which is roughly the length of the
rod. If the water is calm, extend the leader to between 11' and 15', then add 2'
to 4' of tippet. Just remember:
"the calmer the water,
the spookier the fish,
the smaller the fly,
the longer and finer tippet you need.”
To enable your dry fly to turn over correctly (which is our main aim), your tippet
should always be balanced to the size of your fly:
the spookier the fish,
the smaller the fly,
the longer and finer tippet you need.”
To enable your dry fly to turn over correctly (which is our main aim), your tippet
should always be balanced to the size of your fly:

Leader Recipes
In this section, I will give you some leader designs for different length leaders.
Using all of the above information you can define which length leader you need,
use these designs as a starting point. All of these leader designs end with 6X
and are designed for rods from 2 weight to 5 weight - happy tying:

Tight lines.

P.S. If you need any more info or would like to receive a copy of our "Dry Fly
Manifesto" - which includes all of the above (and is a little easier to read), just
reply to this email and I will answer any questions you may have and email you
a copy of the manifesto.
Manifesto" - which includes all of the above (and is a little easier to read), just
reply to this email and I will answer any questions you may have and email you
a copy of the manifesto.