Club & Syndicate Hatch Calendar Poster Offer
If you have ever bought anything from us in the past year, you will have received a freebie Hatch Card for the month. This is a card which identifies (for both Rivers and Stillwaters) which flies should be hatching, which imitations to use and which size hook to use.
Imagine, these cards all replicated on an A3 poster with a nifty design - specific to either Rivers or Stillwaters - so you can see all the information at once.
That's exactly what we've done.
Each of our posters:
- Measures 29.7cm x 42cm (A3 size); and is
- Made from 250gsm Silk Paper Stock - A thick multi-purpose paper weight which is more durable, completely opaque and thicker to the touch that other paper stocks.
Each poster is available to order now, as this is a Special Offer only for Clubs & Syndicates, we are only asking you to cover the postage costs (£4.95).