Gammarus Selection | Pimped Shrimps

Pimped Shrimps

This week we are turning our attention to one of the most overlooked fly
patterns - the humble shrimp (or Gammarus to give it its correct genus)!
Gammarus (or the freshwater shrimp) forms the basis of the Trout & Grayling's
diet. They may not be the main food source every day but they do make up
over 70% of the annual diet of both the trout and grayling.
The freshwater shrimp is usually found in all our UK rivers throughout the full
year, making a shrimp/gammarus/scud pattern one of the first to try when the
going gets tough - especially at this time of year.
Freshwater shrimp are much more abundant in waters with higher pH values
(for this read - chalk and limestone streams).
As a part of the Riverfly Partnership's Monitoring Scheme on a local North
Yorkshire beck, it's not uncommon for thousands of freshwater shrimp to be
captured in a short 3-minute kick sample. These shrimp are a fantastic indicator
of how healthy the river is - as they are very sensitive to pollution.

Why Use Gammarus shrimps?

Simply because they are the most common invertebrates in the water at all
points of the year, wild trout and grayling diets will consist mainly of shrimps.
Therefore it makes sense to at least have a few in your box, especially during
the months of high weed growth (Spring & Summer). These scuds work equally
well on both rivers and stillwaters.

During the Grayling season and once the river trout season opens, it is
essential that you have a selection of shrimps in your armoury - these are the
most common invertebrates in the water at all points of the year - but especially
the spring and early summer.
What Tactics To Use?
These patterns should be fished close to the river bed (hence the integrated
bead to weight the fly), and dead drifted (shrimps do not swim against the flow
of the river). These are ideal patterns to use in shallow water, close to weed
beds. See below in this email for many more hints and tips on fishing with
Shrimp patterns.
Gammarus shrimps are found in virtually every river in the UK (and
Europe) and are present all year round - just turn over the nearest rock when
you are next on the water and take a look. They make up about 70% of the
trout and graylings annual diet.
We only have a limited number (25) of our Gammarus Selections, so if our
previous offerings are anything to go by, you will need to be quick off the mark!
In total there are 16 flies supplied in our eco-friendly. packaging. All of these
flies are hand tied using barbless hooks, in sizes 14 and 18. These shrimps are
only available as a selection (4 patterns, 4 of each pattern) for only £20, click
any button or image to view the selection in more detail.
*** We've only 25 of these selections - so if you want one you will need to

be quick ***

Gammarus Shrimps Behaviour:

  • Shrimps do not like really bright daylight - the become docile when it's really bright.
  • Fish with them during lower light levels - when it's overcast, dawn or dusk, this is when they will be more active
  • Shrimps are very good swimmers (but their sense of direction isappalling), they swim in really short bursts (often around in circles), sothere's no need to worry too much about presentation, just make sure youfish them on the river bed.
  • Shrimps need to be fished as close to the river bed as possible - in deeper rivers try a sinking line with a short (4ft) leader. On shallower rivers use a floating line and longer leader.

How to fish Gammarus Shrimps:

  • Try casting around gaps in any weed beds and to the heads of pools which are just below the weed
  • Gammarus shrimp love weed, rocks and silt
  • Try using 2 x Gammarus shrimps of different colours (one bright & one dark) on droppers spaced 2ft apart
  • Cast these above the target area, let them sink and then track them back downstream
  • Keep in touch with the shrimp at all times by raising your rod tip as the fly comes back towards you
I usually fish these using an indicator (as my nymphing skills still need a bit of

Typical Nymphing Leader Setup

Shrimps are fished as you would any other nymph - just remember the golden
rule "if you're not getting snagged on the bottom, you're not fishing deep
enough". A normal nymph leader setup would be to add a short (12") indicator
tippet section to your fly line, to this add 1.5 x the depth of the water you are
fishing of tippet (4x or 5x), then the shrimp (or a team of 2 or 3).

In Other News ...

I received a very excitable call early on Sunday morning, telling me to go and
buy the Sunday Telegraph and look at page 12 - I finished my coffee and did
just that. When I opened the page - there I was staring back at myself - all very
A local photographer asked if they could come to our shop and take some
photo's back in early December - we happily agreed - the next thing you

know we're in the paper! I'm just glad that the flies take centre stage and I'm a
bit blurred out!

Tight lines & stay safe.
P.S. Remember to get your 10% discount and use your code.